You're here at KessaLair The Stories' Den

Come Into The Stories’ Den
Listeners From Everywhere
Come Now, For It’s Time Again
To Enter Mystic KessaLair
The Stories’ Den is a special site
– where you’ll enjoy some peace and quiet
– where you’ll get away for a while from the everyday stressful life
– where you’ll immerse yourself in a world of fantasy
– where you can just sit back and relax
Bewitching or dazzling; weird or scary – the stories and poems all have one thing in common … they’re absolutely captivating!
And for the passionate side in you, they’re so incredibly romantic as you will find out in this poem.
Each page also contains ‘My Favourites’ where you can find out my personal favourite story, video, or poem. Why don’t you read on and discover yours?
If you like, you can also listen to me telling those stories and poems on my YouTube channel where they come to life.
My books are available on Amazon
OH, YE TWISTED FATES: Seven Short Stories: Magical, Mysterious, Ghostly
Oh, You Lonely Swan: Poems: Despair, Love, Hope
Merkwürdige Fügungen: Sechs seltsame Kurzgeschichten
You can also find me on
as well as
Quora English, Quora German, Quora French, and Quora Arabic
where you’ll be able to enjoy my poems, stories, photos, and quotes to brighten up your day.